Greg Jahn & Nancy Halter


Ours is a story of SYNERGY: a mutually advantageous compatibility having an enhancing effect that wouldn’t exist outside of relationship.

Quality evolves, and so do we. We’re old-school studio artists in love with traditionally beautiful pots (not production potters or instructors). Dave Shaner set the bar high and said it better than anyone:

“Basically, I am doing what I want to do and have never done anything else. By competing only with myself, I am not in pursuit of the crowd. Following one’s work is a joy and a challenge. One learns to do what is in one’s soul -- thus revealing the connections between life and art.”

Ours is a very distinct blend of two mature talents with Nancy’s expertise in illustration, painting and design complimenting Greg’s 42 years of studio life mastery. We hope you enjoy the wide ranging results from our playful indulgences and experimentations.

Please contact using the email address on the "Contact" page for notification as new work is posted on Etsy (under construction)... and please share us with your friends!

Nancy’s paintings are at